How to Buy a Good Book @ Buderim’s Book Fair Fundraiser

Photo credit: CC0 Creative Commons/kamiel79/Pixabay

Bookworm alert! Buderim’s Alcooringa Centre is the place to be this weekend. Fusion Sunshine Coast will host a Book Fair Fundraiser on Saturday, the 30th of September, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. It’s the perfect time for you to fill in your kids’ bookshelves (and yours, too!).


  • Paperbacks – $2
  • Hardbacks – $3

Fusion Sunshine Coast is a Buderim-based local branch of Fusion Australia, a national and international youth and community organisation with branches from Tasmania to Nigeria. Fusion Sunshine Coast aims to ensure that the youth of Sunshine Coast will have a stronger future through their youth programs and mental health first aid trainings.

The Book Fair is one of their fundraiser projects. All proceeds will go directly to Fusion’s mission. Aside from the book fair, they also organised other fundraising events in Buderim.

Photo credit: Fusion Sunshine Coast/Facebook

At incredibly low prices, you can get a good book for your kids at the Book Fair. But, what is a good book? A good book is a book that will pique your child’s interest. Here are some guidelines on how you can properly find a good book at the book fair.

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Know the books that are age-appropriate.

The book fair will have two types of books — paperbacks and hardbacks. If you have an infant or a toddler, go for hardbacks or soft, plushy books. You don’t want them to tear the pages of the paperback books. The books should have big, bright, and colourful pictures, while the stories should be short.

Preschoolers need books that tell stories about everyday life that will make them ask questions and stimulate their curiosity. As the child grows, books should appeal to their interest and increasing attention span.


Let your kids pick a book.

If you have a school-aged child, please let him choose what he wants to read. What interests you may not interest them. Let them pick. They may base it on the cover, the illustrations, or the genre of the book. Observe and find out why they chose that book.

Photo credit: John Morgan/Flickr

Skim through the pages.

Now it’s your turn to “judge” the book, but not by its cover. Browse the book that your child picked. Is it engaging and fun to read? The book should have a “moving story” so that the child will be eager to turn the page to find out what will happen next.

Check the content. High quality books use rhyme, repetition, and humour. Children’s books have words that seem to flow smoothly. Well worded books expand the children’s vocabulary.

The book should have balanced text and illustration. The older the child, the longer the texts should be on the book. This will improve their listening skills, comprehension, concentration, and their sentence construction skills.


Find out the moral lesson.

Great books teach. Do not buy a book that has no sense at all. For children, choose a book that has a high and important moral lesson. Books have moral lessons that teaches a child to be kind or industrious. The moral lesson can reinforce self-esteem concepts that expands the children’s view about the world.


Inspect the book for damages.

Now that you found a good book, be sure to inspect it for any damages or missing pages. This is a book fair, so minor damages like faded illustrations are unavoidable.

Photo credit: Fusion Sunshine Coast/Facebook

Don’t hesitate to buy a book. It’s a book fair for a cause. Visit the event page or the Fusion Sunshine Coast for the details and some updates for the event.

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