Caloundra’s Lighthouses Commence Rehabilitation Work

Caloundra Lighthouses

Rehabilitation work for Caloundra’s lighthouses has commenced as the Sunshine Coast Council aims to invest in preserving these historic and iconic maritime beacons.

New timber decking, balustrading, and weatherproofing will be installed. This project ensures that the culturally significant lighthouses remain intact for future generations.

Caloundra has a deep maritime history, and these lighthouses played a crucial role in guiding mariners until 1978. The original lighthouse, built way back in 1896, is the oldest surviving building in town. Its neighbour, the replacement lighthouse from 1968, is one of only two of its kind in Australia.

The lighthouse precinct, a massive 868 square metres located on Canberra Terrace at Kings Beach, is a State heritage-listed site since 2010. It holds immense value for the community, and the Sunshine Coast Council acquired it in 2020 for a mere $1. This acquisition allows the council to invest in preserving this iconic spot that reflects our nautical roots.

The Friends of the Caloundra Lighthouses community group has been doing an amazing job over the past 15 years, welcoming more than 13,000 visitors. With council support, they’ve inspired a new generation of maritime enthusiasts. But they need your help! They’re looking for volunteers to step forward and be a part of preserving our history. Let’s keep our maritime legacy alive!

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

To support the cause, you can grab a copy of “The Little Lighthouse,” a charming children’s book by John Bradley. Illustrated by local talent Diane Somers-Cook, the book delves into the fascinating history of the Caloundra Lighthouses. All proceeds go towards maintaining these cherished landmarks.

The Caloundra Lighthouses Rehabilitation project is made possible by the Arts and Heritage Levy, in partnership with the Sunshine Coast Council. Local firms, including Conbuild, are carrying out the important works. Department of Environment and Science heritage approvals are being followed. Weather permitting, we expect completion by late September 2022.

Published 17-June-2023

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