Jeffrey Godfrey Jailed for Killing Estranged Wife in Drug-Induced Rage

Jeffrey Godfrey

Jeffrey James Godfrey, 53, has been handed a 12-year prison sentence after being found guilty of manslaughter for the death of his estranged wife, Vanessa Godfrey. 

The Brisbane Supreme Court heard that Godfrey, under the influence of methamphetamine-induced paranoia, strangled Vanessa and made no effort to help her after the attack.

While the judge acknowledged that Godfrey’s judgment was impaired due to his drug use, he still held him accountable for his actions. As a serious violent offender, Godfrey will need to serve 80% of his sentence before he’s eligible for parole.

Tragic Weekend Away Turns Deadly

Jeffrey and Vanessa, who had separated months earlier, had decided to spend a weekend away together in Pelican Waters on the Sunshine Coast back in February 2022. They were there for a friend’s birthday celebration.

Jeffrey Godfrey
Pelican Waters Resort
Photo Credit: Discover Queensland

The evening started off with dinner, but things took a dark turn when they returned to their hotel room. 

Early the next morning, Vanessa asked Godfrey for a neck massage to help with some pain. However, Godfrey became convinced that she had stolen his driver’s licence and Medicare card. Sitting behind her, he began questioning her about their relationship before suddenly strangling her to the point of unconsciousness.

Godfrey Fails to Help After Attack

After Vanessa fell unconscious, Godfrey believed she had died and stopped applying pressure to her neck. Instead of seeking help, he sat down, later believing he saw her breathing. He still didn’t try to assist her. Instead, he cut her arms with a knife, took Valium, and drank rum.

Jeffrey Godfrey
Photo Credit: Vanessa Godfrey/Facebook

It wasn’t until 3 PM when hotel staff performed a welfare check that they found Vanessa lying on the bed, surrounded by blood, while Godfrey lay asleep on the floor.

Meth Use Led to Delusions and Violence

The court revealed that Godfrey had been a heavy methamphetamine user for years, spending up to $3,000 a week on drugs. His addiction had led to extreme paranoia and delusions, which played a role in his violent behaviour.

Although the court recognised his mental state was affected by his drug use, it concluded that he still knew his actions were wrong. There was also no evidence that Godfrey was under the influence of drugs at the time of his wife’s death. 

Despite seeing signs of life in Vanessa, he made no attempt to help or call for medical assistance.

Family Reacts to the Verdict

Outside the court, the couple’s daughter, Olivia Godfrey, expressed relief at the sentencing. She believed that her father’s long prison term served justice for her mother’s death. 

Jeffrey Godfrey
Photo Credit: Vanessa Godfrey/Facebook

Olivia described her mother as a loving and caring woman, deeply affected by the poor choices that led to such a tragic end.

Published 31-Jan-2025

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